Your support at any level is sincerely appreciated and all donations will receive online acknowledgement as Campaign for the Coolidge supporter. There are many ways to make your gift to the Campaign for the Coolidge, from outright cash gifts online or by mail to tax-advantageous gifts of stocks and IRA funds. Gifts can be one-time, recurring, or paid in installments over up to three years. If you have questions about making a multi-year pledge, naming opportunities, gifts of securities, or legacy gifts, please contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501.

donate online

Using our online donation form, you can make a one-time gift or choose to set up a monthly recurring donation.

donate by mail

You can also contribute via checks or donor advised funds. Checks should be made payable to the Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation. Designate gift allocation to “Campaign for the Coolidge” and mail to:

Coolidge Corner Theatre
Attn: Campaign for the Coolidge
290 Harvard Street
Brookline, MA 02446


Click here to make a gift using your Donor-Advised Fund. Be sure to designate gift allocation to “Campaign for the Coolidge”.


The Coolidge is happy to accept donations via ACH or wire transfer. For further instructions, please contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501.


You may find it more advantageous to give securities that have appreciated in value. Securities can include closely held or publicly traded stock, and mutual fund shares. If you sell appreciated securities you will incur a taxable gain. By giving the Coolidge Corner Theatre securities that have been held more than 12 months, you receive a double tax benefit:

  1. You avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation, and

  2. You receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the assets.

Gifts of appreciated securities are deductible up to 30% of adjusted gross income. A gift in excess of that can be carried forward as a deduction for up to five additional years.

Please contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501 for further instructions on how to donate via appreciated securities.


Congress recently enacted a law that allows you to make a tax-free gift to the Coolidge from your Individual Retirement Account. Known as the IRA Charitable Rollover, or the Qualified Charitable Distribution, this law is now permanent. You can make annual gifts from your IRA and avoid taxes you would have paid for such distributions.

What you need to know:

  • You must be 70 ½ or older at the time of the gift.

  • You can transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA. This opportunity applies only to IRAs and not to other types of retirement plans.

  • You can only transfer the funds outright to qualified charities. The legislation does not permit direct transfers to charitable trusts, donor-advised funds, charitable gift annuities, or supporting organizations.

Please contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501 for further instructions on how to donate via your individual retirement account.


Please consider the Coolidge in your estate planning through a bequest, trust, or other legacy gifts. Gifts can be for a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate. It can be made outright, or once family, friends, and other loved ones are cared for. In any case, the Coolidge will be the grateful steward of part of your life's legacy. 

Sample bequest language:

"I bequeath _____% of my residuary estate (or $ _____) to THE COOLIDGE CORNER THEATRE FOUNDATION, INC., 290 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA 02446, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable cultural organization. Federal Tax ID number: 04-3039722."

When designating the Coolidge as the beneficiary of any type of gift, please use our official title and address: THE COOLIDGE CORNER THEATRE FOUNDATION, INC., 290 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA 02446.

Please contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501 for further instructions on how to make a legacy gift to the Coolidge.

The Coolidge Corner Theatre recommends that you consult with your attorney, accountant, or financial advisor for definitive tax guidance and assistance in deciding which giving option is the most appropriate for your circumstances and wishes.



Online pledge is an easy and secure way to support the Campaign for the Coolidge and also reduce processing costs. Campaign for the Coolidge pledges can be paid in installments over up to three years and automatic payments can be remitted on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Click here to set up your pledge online. If you would like to adjust your pledge at any time, please contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501.


Dedicate your birthday, celebrate a milestone, recognize a loved one, or create your own fundraiser in support of the Campaign for the Coolidge by creating a Facebook Fundraiser. For more information or additional assistance, contact development@coolidge.org or 617-734-2501.